Abruzzolink: guided tours with locals
Marco Di Michele

Marco Di Michele

Contact Marco


About me:

I love Majella since when I was a child, I love to see its profile, I love to hear its perfumes that are different every time and I love to see its colors in every season, and every time I observe it for me it's always the first time.

I am an Environmental Guide and a guide enrolled in the Provisional tourist guides list in the Abruzzo region.

I am the President of Majambiente, a travel services company that operates mainly in the north-western part of the Majella National Park. In my work I deal mainly hiking and accommodation and construction of the paths of the Majella National Park.

My biggest hobby is computer graphics and I must say am very lucky because in my job I also deal with publishing and signage for natural protected areas.

What can I say? Is there a more beautiful job than this one??

Area of expertise: north-western area of the Majella National Park.


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